Motor learning

Much of the lab's applied work is grounded in studies to explore fundamental concepts driving motor learning. One area of this work is focused on better describing and measuring motor adaptation, which is how people correct for motor errors on subsequent movements. We have shown that traditional methods to measure adaptation are biased by different noise sources in a behaving human. We are working to develop theoretically-grounded tools to better estimate motor adaptation.

In a collaboration with Dr. Scott Albert, we are also studying motor learning outside of the laboratory. Early work has shown promise that explicit and implicit learning processes that have been described in the lab are also operating in an unconstrained bowling task. 

Check out our preprint on this work! 

Related work:

Albert, S. T., Blaum, E., & Blustein, D. 2023. Sensory prediction error drives subconscious motor learning outside of the laboratory. bioRxiv. DOI:10.1101/2023.02.22.529399 

Blaum, E., Albert, S., & Blustein, D. 2022. Explicit and implicit learning in the wild: sensory prediction error learning occurs outside the laboratory. Neural Control of Movement 31st Annual Meeting. Dublin, Ireland.